The IAPF represents your interests at European level directly and through its membership of PensionsEurope. This allows us to track and assess legislation as it is being prepared at European level and feed into the process to ensure pension provision isn’t negatively impacted.
Among the many issues being dealt with by PensionsEurope are the implementation of the IORP II Directive, the ECB’s plans to gather data on pension schemes, the impact of Brexit, EIOPA’s work on a pan-European DC Framework, EMIR, Fintech Consultation, the EU’s Capital Markets Union and Financial Transaction Tax. PensionsEurope also engages extensively with the European institutions such as the Parliament, Commission and EIOPA.
Jerry is Vice-Chair of PensionsEurope and chairs its Standing Committee on Future of Pensions. He is Chairperson of SIF Ireland (the Irish Sustainable and Responsible Investment Forum) and is a member of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority’s Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group.
The occupational pension plans of about 110 million EU citizens are covered by PensionsEurope Members. Through its Member Associations, PensionsEurope represents an estimated €7 trillion in assets, managed for future workplace pension payments.