How the IAPF is Structured

Membership Organisation

The IAPF is a membership organisation representing Irish pension savers, to ensure we have secure, fair and simple pension provision in Ireland.

Our Members

Our members can either be pension schemes or companies/individuals that provide services to pension schemes.


The Association is governed by a Council of up to thirteen individuals drawn from our members. Up to eight of these are elected by the members, a further three can be co-opted by the Council and the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson make up the balance. Council members are elected for a three year term of office and the maximum period of time on Council is eight years, although time as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson isn’t counted. One quarter of the elected members must step down from Council each year in order to allow for nominations to Council. If there are more nominations than places available an election is held in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of the Association. Requests for nominations are usually sent out in February and need to be received by the end of February.


An AGM is held in order to confirm appointments to Council and allow the members to examine and question the Annual Accounts of the Association.

Member Representatives (Member Reps)

Each IAPF member puts forward one main contact from their company. It is this member representative (Member Rep) that IAPF direct communications and queries to. The Member Rep is provided with a special login that allows them access to the update form, where they can update their company and pension scheme details which can be used in our annual yearbook. The member rep may also represent their company at the AGM and can vote in the Council elections.


There are also a number of different Committees (link) which operate within the IAPF. If you are interested in getting involved in a Committee or Council please contact Jerry Moriarty.

All of those on Council and Committees work on a voluntary basis on behalf of the members of the IAPF.

Would you like to get involved with the IAPF?

Please contact our CEO Jerry Moriarty for more information

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