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Below you will find all the latest news and updates from IAPF.  

E-Update 21 October 2021

E-Update 21 October 2021

The Finance Bill 2021 IAPF Defined Benefit Survey 2021

Pensions in Ireland - A re-awakening? (European Pensions)

Pensions in Ireland - A re-awakening? (European Pensions)

After a delay of over two years, the IORP II Directive has finally been transposed into Irish law. Whilst all member states are governed by the regulations, it’s about to shake up the Irish pensions sector like never before. Natalie Tuck reports

DC asset allocations: A seismic shift or tentative beginnings? (European Pensions)

DC asset allocations: A seismic shift or tentative beginnings? (European Pensions)

As DC schemes become more popular, the allocation approaches funds are taking are indicative of the opportunities and challenges facing the market, by Tom Higgins as published in European Pensions

If you think the gender pay gap is bad, you want to see this gender pension gap

If you think the gender pay gap is bad, you want to see this gender pension gap

IAPF Chairperson Ann Prendergast was interviewed by Samantha McCaughren of the Irish Independent

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