Event Details - IAPF Annual DC Conference

When: 03/05/2018 for 8.00am for 8.30am - 1.15pm
Where: The Printworks, Dublin Castle
Cost: Members: €375, Non Members: €550, IAPF Member - Pension Scheme Representative (Non Practitioner): Free of Charge,

Sponsored By

New Ireland



With the publication of the Government’s Roadmap for Pensions Reform there will be a lot of focus on pensions between now and 2023. How will this impact on pension schemes, trustees and employers? How will schemes evolve as more and more members start to retire with long DC service and larger pension pots? Do the current options serve members well and what are the real needs of people in retirement? Are Trustees ready for GDPR?


This half day conference will bring together over 250 trustees, pension schemes, HR and finance managers, policymakers and pension practitioners to consider and discuss these issues facing pension schemes today. 


This event is allocated 4 CPD hours by the IAPF for on-going trustee training requirements. We havve applied for 4 CPD hour from the LIA and the IOB under category 2. Pensions, Pension Trustee Practitioners (PTP) hours (LIA Ref: LIA02703_2018) & (IOB Ref: 2018-1075 . It was allocated 4 CPD hours by the IIPM.



Jerry Moriarty, CEO, IAPF


The Roadmap for Pensions Reform - An Overview 
Caroline Rowan, IAPF DC Committee / Aon


Towards a New Pensions Settlement: The International Experience 
Dr. Gregg McClymont, Aberdeen Standard Investments

Panel Discussion 
Panel Chair: Caroline Rowan, IAPF DC Committee / Aon
Panelists: Peter Fahy, IAPF Chairperson & Dr. Gregg McClymont, Aberdeen Standard Investments


Customer Centricity in Pensions
Ray McKenna, New Ireland Assurance




General Data Protection Regulation and Pensions 
Sarah McCague & Olivia MulloolyArthur Cox 


A New Approach to Drawdown on Group DC Pensions
Colm Fagan

The Need to Prepare: Pension Policy and Adequate Income in Older Age
Corona Joyce, Age Action Ireland


How can we Change DC Retirement? Panel Discussion
Panel Chair: Eleanor Cunningham, IAPF DC Committee / McCann FitzGerald
Panelists: Damien Cooper, Acuvest, Paul Duignan, IAPF DC Comittee / ESB


Closing Remarks





click on image for biography Damian Cooper
click on image for biography Corona Joyce
Age Action
click on image for biography Colm Fagan
Hawthorn Life
click on image for biography Ray McKenna
New Ireland Assurance
click on image for biography Sarah McCague
Arthur Cox
click on image for biography Olivia Mullooly
Arthur Cox
click on image for biography Caroline Rowan
click on image for biography Dr. Gregg McClymont
Aberdeen Standard Investments
click on image for biography Jerry Moriarty
click on image for biography Peter Fahy
Eversheds Sutherland / IAPF Council
click on image for biography Paul Duignan
ESB / IAPF DC Committee
click on image for biography Eleanor Cunningham
IAPF Council
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