CPD Hours

A list of 2024 codes  that we have received can be found here

For Trustees - IAPF offer Appropriate ongoing Training Hours to our events to help you with your obligations towards your ongoing training.

For Service Providers - IAPF secure CPD hours for our events from the appropriate awarding bodies.

CPD – Professional

As part of  our overall services, all IAPF seminars and conferences provide CPD hours from the appropriate external awarding bodies. Please see  our Past Events list of events which detail the  amount of hours awarded and the related codes.

Appropriate Ongoing Training  - Trustees

IAPF now offer trustees a great way  to help satisfy the Pensions Authority legal requirements with regards to their  ongoing training requirements.

We are happy that IAPF events, which  are designed to help, inform and educate trustees, can form part of that  appropriate training.

In order to help trustees to log  their training we will award Appropriate Ongoing Training hours to our  events, in a similar way to CPD accreditation. We think individual trustee  boards should themselves determine the level of any ongoing training they  require and any particular requirements they might have, taking into account  their scheme. We have advised the Pensions Authority that we will be taking  this initiative and they do not have any issues with it.

The format of our events means that  for IAPF Conferences, we will award 4 Appropriate Ongoing Training hours and  for our seminars 1 Appropriate Ongoing Training hour. Simply record your hours and submit to the Pensions Authority if required.

We also have a downloadable template that trustees might find useful for recording all their training. 

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