
Here you will find submissions made by us on specific topics to Government and the Pensions Authority. These might be in response to specific consultation exercises or on our own initiative.

IAPF Observations on Pensions Authority Response to Consultation on Obligations for Trustees of DC Master TrustsIAPF 31.07.2019In July 2018, the Pensions Authority published a consultation paper on the regulation of DC master trusts. The paper set out the Authority’s view of obligations appropriate for DC master trusts, after the transposition of the IORP II Directive, to reflect the particular risks that apply in comparison to traditional single employer schemes. The obligations included requirements for the trustee, a continuity plan, capitalisation, conflicts of interest, charges transparency and communications. Having considered the 22 consultation responses, the Authority then revised some aspects of its proposed obligations for DC, which can be found on their website: The IAPF then responded to the revisions, which can be viewed below. Download this publication
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