Event Details - Trustee Network Event "DB Pensions: De-Risking for the Future"

When: 08/11/2018 for 7.30am for 8.00am to 9.15am
Where: The IAA Conference Centre
Cost: Members: Free of Charge,

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 DB Pensions: De-risking for the Future

Managing risk is becoming an ever increasing consideration for DB pension schemes trustees as regulatory requirements grow and many schemes are approaching their end game.


De-risking has traditionally referred to reducing investment risk, but there's now a growing awareness that other risks, such as inflation, longevity and the strength of the employer covenant, can potentially pose as great a danger to schemes as their investment strategy.


In this breakfast discussion we will focus on schemes approaching their end game and give a holistic and comprehensive view of what de-risking really means, and what options are available to schemes and members in Ireland.


We will discuss in detail:

  • Identifying scheme risks (including covenant, longevity, interest rate, inflation, operational, asset concentration, etc)
  • Tools and approaches available to Trustees in Ireland to manage risks, including
    • Covenant assessment
    • Risk Settlement (Irish annuity market and preparing to transact)
    • Member options such as Enhanced Transfer Values and Pension Increase Exchanges
    • Investment derisking and delegation
  • Bringing it all together to build an Integrated Risk Management Framework for Trustees



This event is open to Trustees only in order to facilitate open discussion. There is no charge for Trustees to attend but we ask that you book your place in advance.


Delegate Pack


This seminar is allocated 1 CPD hour by the IAPF for on-going trustee training requirements. We have confirmation of 1 CPD hour from the LIA(LIAO3754-2018), the IOB(2018-2342) and the IIPM under category 2. Pensions, Pension Trustee Practitioners (PTP) hours and category 3. Savings and Investments. 




Registration and Continental Breakfast available from this time



Tony Fleming, IAPF Council


DB Pensions: De-risking for the Future

Evelyn Ryder, Head of Investment DB, and Tomás Griffin, Pensions Actuary, Aon







click on image for biography Tomás Griffin
click on image for biography Tony Fleming
EirGrid Pension Fund
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