Event Details - IAPF Webinar 'The role of Diversified Growth in an inflationary World'

When: 08/07/2021 for 10am - 11am
Where: Online Event | Registration on webinar platform is required prior to event. Link to register is on confirmation email upon booking
Cost: IAPF Member - Pension Scheme Representative (Non Practitioner): Free of Charge, IAPF Member - Practitioner (Organisations that provide professional services to pension funds): Free of Charge, Non Members: €50, Members: Free of Charge,

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'The role of Diversified Growth in an inflationary World'

With vaccine rollouts accelerating, investors are questioning whether the pandemic has expedited a regime shift from a Disinflationary environment to an Inflationary one.

This event will address questions investors are asking such as:

  • Will the traditional bond / equity negative correlation be challenged & how should portfolios be positioned in such an outcome?
  • What can protect & what will hurt performance?
  • How should investors seek diversification & what assets would be more resilient to higher inflation?
  • What role will Diversified Growth Funds have to play in either environment?

Dublin-based David Greene, Head of Multi-Asset Investment Specialists at Amundi, will discuss guidelines for portfolio construction depending on different inflation scenarios and the implications for investors.

Amundi is Europe’s leading asset manager and in the top 10 globally with €1.7 trillion in assets servicing 100 million clients around the world. Amundi Ireland is one of Amundi’s main global investment hubs and home to a 100-strong front office investment team with a wide range of expertise comprising portfolio managers, research analysts and investment specialists.



This event was allocated 1 CPD hour by the IAPF for on-going trustee training requirements. We received for 1 CPD hour from the LIA (LIA11671_2021) , the IOB (2021-1841 - 2021) and the IIPM under category 3. Savings and Investments. If you have a query relating to the CPD hours, please contact the relevant awarding bodies.





Welcome and Introduction:

Jerry Moriarty, CEO, IAPF




The role of Diversified Growth in an inflationary World

David Greene, Head of Multi-Asset Investment Specialists



Q&A and further discussion









click on image for biography Jerry Moriarty
click on image for biography David Greene
Amundi Asset Management
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