Event Details - Trustee Network Event

When: 28/09/2017 for 7.30am-8.00am to 9.15am
Where: Chartered Accountants House
Cost: IAPF Member - Pension Scheme Representative (Non Practitioner): Free of Charge,

Sponsored By

Aon Hewitt


Cracking the DC Code – Value for Money

The Pensions Authority Codes of Governance for DC Schemes are designed to assist trustees in delivering good member outcomes. DC Code 11 – Value for Money - sets out the Pensions Authority’s good practice in ensuring that members receive good value from their pension scheme.

In this session, we will explore the solutions that trustees should consider to improve value for money for DC schemes in order to to help members achieve better outcomes. Two areas we will discuss to address this are:

  • Performance and fees: factors such as investment return net of charges, targets set out in service level agreements and the level of complaints received from members about services. Understand the key questions you need to ask your service provider about their performance.
  • Factor based investing: also known as ‘smart beta’ or semi-active management offers an element of active management for passive fees. Understand the different factors available, how to judge which ones to use and how to combine them for the best results.

This event is open to Trustees only.


This event is allocated 1 hour CPD by the IAPF for on-going trustee training requirements. We received 1 hour CPD from the LIA Code: LIA00365_2017 and IOB Code: 2017-1840 under Category 2 – Pensions and 1 CPD hour under Category 3 - Savings & Investments. We will also received 1 CPD from the IIPM.


Untitled Document


Continental / Hot Buffet Breakfast



Rickard Mills, IAPF Council


Cracking the DC Code - Value for Money

Ciarán Long, Trustee, Permanent TSB Group Holdings Plc

Brian Delaney, Senior Investment Consultant, Aon Hewitt             


Panel Discussion, Audience Q&A  




click on image for biography Rickard Mills
IAPF Council Member
click on image for biography Brian Delaney
Aon Investments Limited
click on image for biography Ciarán Long
Permanent TSB Group Holdings plc
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