Trustee Online Training - Essentials - Part 1
This course has been designed for new Trustees and is also suitable for Trustees who have attended Trustee Training in the past but wish to refresh their knowledge.
The IAPF “Essentials” Trustee Training course covers all of the areas recommended by the Pensions Authority and provides participants with an introduction to the tools and techniques that will assist them towards becoming effective members of a trustee board. It will also help those who provide support to the trustee board to understand the essential requirements of trusteeship.
The Course focuses not only on the theory of trusteeship but also on the practicalities - through a mix of presentations by experts, group interaction and real life case studies.
The course content is continually updated to reflect current legislation and trustee requirements and includes what Trustees should be doing to ensure their schemes can address any additional regulatory requirements that are likely.
The core topics that will be covered will be: Regulation & Compliance, Trustee Governance, Investment, Administration, Actuarial, Legal Issues, Workshops
The course will now be held via a live interactive online presentation held over two days. Each session should take approximately two and a half hours. Participants are required to attend both Part I and Part II of this training in order to receive a certificate of attendance. Once you have registered for Part I you are automatically registered for Part II - there is no need to book twice.
Part 1 Background to Irish Pension Provision - Legal Issues - Essentials of Trustee Governance - Essentials of Investment -Data Protection
Part 2 Pensions Regulation and Compliance - Disclosure of Information - Pensions Authority Codes of Governance - IORP II – Pensions Authority Guidelines Essentials of Actuarial Practice
Please note this is a two part course. You will be automatically enrolled for Part 2, there is no need to make a booking for part 2 of the course. The full course fee will be charged at the time of booking.